Academic excellence is key and students can participate in an array of structured programs.
The year-round A.S.S.I.S.T. (After-school, Structured, Instructional, Support Time) program provides a comprehensive educational approach, enriching the lives of academically struggling students. Students participate in an array of structured programs, including leadership training, pre-apprentice training, career exploration, and camping experiences. Life skills, core values, productive problem-solving and decision-making skills are reflected in all facets of GBA learning.
Each student must strive to meet or exceed Maryland State Common Core Standards and acquire the skills necessary to achieve grade level proficiency. A second goal is to establish a strong academic foundation and garner the tools for living a principled life.
The program for each student includes: benchmark assessments, individualized instruction, exploration opportunities, academic support, basic life skills instruction, parent and guardian involvement and staff support.